River Colne

Denham Court Drive, Denham, UB9 5PG, Bucks, United Kingdom

Anglers may select between two areas, the gravels and upstream of the golf club, where they can fish in complete isolation or in a more communal setting. The upstream segment is now overgrown and unmanaged as a result of the pennywort infestation, but with the EA now controlling this foreign invasive species, work on reestablishing the fishing platforms will begin shortly. This location is a true wonderland, with just the odd shriek of a White Egret and the hammering of a woodpecker interfering with the tranquility.

The middle gravels are ideal for coarse fishing, whether it's rolling a lump of luncheon meat into the lair of the barbel or dragging a tastefully presented stick float through the stream. Numerous fishermen have set personal bests while fishing here.

Pike to 20lb
Chub to 8lb
Barbel to 17lb

Address: Denham Court Drive, Denham, UB9 5PG, Bucks, United Kingdom
Website: http://www.uracs.co.uk/

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Mark Swaby - Reviewed 1st Apr 2021 at 9:02am

This is a Private Fishery for Uxbridge Rovers Angling and Conservation society Members Only. No Day Ticket Fishing


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