WINFIELD LAKES (formerly Willitoft Fish Farm)

Willitoft Road, Spaldington, DN14 7, East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

All the stock in these lakes are supplied by the fish farm. The fishery is well designed apparently by Dr Bruno Broughton in the late 90's.
The two waters cover about 3 acres in total, with the average depths between 5 and 6 ft in depth.
In total there are 45 pegs on the lakes with the majority being suitable for the angler with disabilities.
There are toilets on site and it is also available for match bookings, which are generally held on the High Lake. There are also hot snacks available from the owner's house.
What is noticeable here, is the fact that the fish like to have a load of feed going in above their heads or they go elsewhere. Both the lakes, which are of a similar nature, stocked with roach (1lb), bream (2lb), ide and carp (14lb), with also a smattering of tench and chub.
The fish don't tend to be all that big, and fishing with relatively light tackle sees the best results. Maggots, meat and bread punch tend to be the most popular baits, but a change bait will see fish being taken.
There is a third lake but this is not fishable.

Carp up to 17lb

Address: Willitoft Road, Spaldington, DN14 7, East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

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Chris Morphet - Reviewed 22nd May 2023 at 12:34am

Used to be an excellent water to fish many years ago. Since the original owners sold the place it's gone downhill dramatically. The bloke that owns it now , or at least when I was last there a few years ago was obnoxious and rude and basically didn't really want you there. There are now various bait bans including meat,although it says you can fish with meat. The match fishing destroys the fishing for the next few days.


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Dave Richardson - Reviewed 21st May 2023 at 8:18am

Owner very rude and obnoxious, i witnessed a huge argument with an angler across the lake accusing him of what later turned out to be someone apparently had a poo behind the peg. The owner entered his vehicle without permission. Massive put off for me, all while walking around with beers on hand, wouldn’t recommend to anyone.


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