now putting large fighting fish in 8lb leader required
dave garside -
8th Oct 2023 at 5:00pm
WAS one off the best trout fisheries NOW must the bottom off the pile Bent fish no weight caught 1 in 4hrs speaking to one the weekly average is none its that bad they are charging share olders DO NOT WASTE TIME OR MONEY
arthur comish -
6th Apr 2023 at 4:44pm
From 1May 2023 You will be able to CARP FLY FISH £10 from 8am to 5pm large stock 200 6lb 20 8lb 10 15lb 5 20lb 4 25lb .barbles flys hooking mat all fish to be returned .COME TO SEE WHAT A FIGHT YOU GET ON A FLY ROD
arthur comish -
17th Jan 2022 at 7:39pm
Best days fishing for along while freindly staff Found out they have a compotion last sunday every month Open to any one well ill be there